Space is a funny word, and we use it all the time. We talk about the space we live in, work in, the space we need; we covet more space. We talk about space as a room with four walls, or as the distance between us. We talk about outdoor space which may or may not have boundaries, as in “wide open spaces”. And of course, there’s outer space, the limitless world of the sky, or the nature of our minds.
It is human to define ourselves by the spaces we inhabit, whether they are mental, emotional, or physical. Spaces can comfort us, they can put us more inside ourselves, or take us out of ourselves. Caleb and I love spaces that draw our attention and make us think or feel, either in the scale and effort at design, or the happy way nature arranges itself.
One of our favorite spaces by definition is the Italian piazza, the French place, the Austrian platz. The communal center of a town, or a neighborhood, and the way it interacts with its inhabitants is full of constant visual intrigue and spatial notions. Piazze are the outdoor living rooms or ballrooms of urban life. Wasn’t it Napoleon who called St. Mark’s Square in
One of our favorite piazzas of all is a demure space in a small Etruscan village about an hour outside the city of
The piazza in Sutri is a meeting place, a watering hole, it is the short distance between events or places. People stride across its openness getting from one place to another; children play soccer, or ride their new bikes and eat gelato in the dying light of an afternoon. We can sit there for hours, taking no note of Time other than the way the sky shifts.
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