Tuesday, July 22, 2008

“So, what’s in the bag?”

It’s time for that favorite magazine feature, the single-page photo splash and sidebar: the bag of the moment. So-and-so (traveling features editor, or top-ten tennis player, or spelunking archeologist) has a bag which goes with them everywhere, filled with the essentials of the trade-on-the-go. Well, I’ve got a bag too, and in response to the incredible media pressure surrounding the mystery of its contents, I am providing this guided tour. Hold onto your hats!

Clockwise from the top: The Bag Itself, joyfully spilling its contents for the world to see; laminated recipe sheets of top-secret, in-house recipes for things like…vinaigrette (sensitive material!); various transport containers for coffee beans (that’s Armeno Coffee Roasters espresso blend, in case you were wondering, the only coffee we have ever served at Osteria Pane e Salute since Day 1); a list of our product history from one of our vendors (so that I can pretend I’ve actually memorized their products numbers and recite them back when placing an order, so impressive!); sage that I forgot I had picked, getting slowly crushed in the bag (in case a pig roast pops up and they’re short on seasoning) ; a plastic tray on its way back to work; a lid doing likewise (not very useful, those two together though!); an old-school edition of the original pane e salute t-shirt, just to have a fresh shirt around (hey, I bet you sometimes need a fresh shirt yourself, so visit our new t-shirt design at zazzle.com (enter “pane e salute” in the search window)); my shoe with my foot in it, and not really part of this exercise; an Italian table knife for impromptu roadside harvests, or slicing things at a sudden picnic (picnics are practically a hazard in these parts); gum for the drive home (at the end of a long night, I need gum); a small tube of pain-reliever which actually contains hair-goo for those impromptu TV appearances (you know it’s all about preparedness!) (by the way: where the hell is the pain reliever?); graphite oil for lubing up stiff parts (like door catches, OK?); another tote bag for trips to the grocery for last-minute-crisis items (“we’re out of Dagoba chocolate again? Run, man, run!”); a small ziplock bag of Chinese roots and hot-peppers for infusing chicken stock (during a week when we weren’t feeling so hot; thanks Glenn!); stainless steel screws for securing things that might get wet (in a kitchen, everything gets wet sometime. Can also be said of everything in Vermont); plastic shopping bags (for transporting garden harvests to the restaurant, or in case I spy something edible on the side of the road, or in case it rains and Deirdre needs an emergency hat).

There! The secrets are revealed! Now Everyman can see that I am just like him (“Hey, look, he’s got graphite oil too! Just like me!”) Let’s hope this will relieve the media pressure, and give those hyper-active paparazzi a chance to focus on other, more light-hearted fare, or perhaps, even a legit story…

(Missing from photo: the 20 grand I keep on hand, just to have some funny money around when the white-truffle mules show up…You know how it is!)


pam castelli said...

Doesn't look/sound like any of the things you'd find in my bag...
I've got the various lipsticks, rings that didn't go with the next outfit, band aids for when Cameron bites the dust, napkins for that same reason, old pizza dough that rising (a local restaurant hands it out to keep kids busy while waiting), etc...

Lindsay said...

Whats in my bag........my stunning shades for a mysterious look anytime, my passport to remind me of my goals, quaters so I can grab a piece of chocolate anywhere I go, and a PSalute card to keep me inspired to eat well on the long busy NYC days!